Using Wishlists
What is my Wishlist?
While you're logged in, your Wishlist is a handy way to keep track of any products that catch your eye in the Wine Store. Any items added to your Wishlist are saved for easy reference. Adding an item to your Wishlist does not reserve it for you, or guarantee an allocation.
How do I view my Wishlist?
To view your Wishlist, you must first login to your account. Once logged in, simply click the heart icon at the top of the homepage (located between the Account and Cart icons). Welcome to your wishlist!
How do I add items to my Wishlist?
To add an item to your Wishlist, simply click the heart icon on the product page or product card. If the item is successfully added to your Wishlist, you will be advised via a brief prompt.
What can I do with the items on my Wishlist?
For each item on your Wishlist, you have the option to View (visit the item page), Remove (remove the item from your Wishlist), or Add to Cart (put the item in your shopping cart). From the Wishlist page, you can also select how many of each item you would like to add to the cart.
Is my Wishlist private?
Yes. Your Wishlist remains private unless you uncheck the box at the top of your Wishlist that reads 'Hide from Public'. If you uncheck this box, it can be viewed by others using your First Name and Last Name, or the Email Address associated with your LANGTONS account.
Can I share my Wishlist?
Yes. Uncheck the box at the top of your Wishlist that reads 'Hide from Public'. Then tell the person that you'd like to share with to follow the steps below.
How do I view someone else's Wishlist?
If someone has made their Wishlist public, you can view it by logging into your account, clicking the heart icon at the top of the screen, and clicking 'Find a Wishlist' at the bottom of your Wishlist page. Enter a First and Last Name, or the Email Address associated with their LANGTONS account, to view their Wishlist.
While viewing the Wishlist of someone else you have the option to view the page of each item on their Wishlist, or to add any of the items to your own cart.
Can I add Auction items to my Wishlist?
No. The Wishlist is for Wine Store items only. If you'd like to keep track of an item at Auction click the eye icon on the product card or on the product page to 'Watch' the item. The list of auction items that you're watching is found via the Auctions panel of your Account Dashboard.